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What is staking?

Staking consists of depositing your BETA tokens within the protocol Safety Module. The purpose of staking is to act as a mitigation tool in case of a shortfall event. As an incentive for this, Safety Module stakers will receive Safety Incentives.

What is the incentive for staking?

Stakers within the Safety Module receive safety incentives. The rewards are 3,000 BETA/day to be split between the stakers proportionally. The emission of the rewards will be allocated daily.

What is the risk of staking?

In the case of a shortfall event, the Safety Module uses up to 30% of the assets locked to cover the deficit.

What is Safety Module and what do Shortfall Events cover?

The main role of the Safety Module (SM) is to protect the protocol against unexpected loss of funds stemming from:

  • Smart contract risk: Risk of a bug, design flaw or potential attack surfaces on the smart contract layer.
  • Liquidation risk: Risk of failure of an asset that is being used as collateral on Omni; risk of liquidators not capturing liquidation opportunities in a timely manner, or low market liquidity of the principal asset to be repaid.
  • Oracle failure risk: Risk of the Oracle system not properly updating the prices in case of extreme market downturn and network congestion; risk of the Oracle system not properly submitting prices, causing improper liquidations.

In case of loss of capital, the SM uses up to 30% of the assets locked to cover the deficit. If the amount seized from the SM is not enough to cover the whole debt, an administrator has the right to socialize the bad debt losses from specific loan positions.

What are the networks supporting staking BETA?

The staking feature is supported on BNBChain.

Additional information

If you want to find out more about BETA tokenomics, you can find the whole documentation here.