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Beta DAO Proposal Template

Proposals should try to follow the template below. Modifications can be made where necessary. Areas that are under the scope are outlined in the Omni doc. These rules must be followed to be considered a valid proposal.


A clear and concise title without any numbers


Authors: Wallet addresses or Discord handles, separated by commas

Date Created: <yyyy-mm-dd>

Forum Link: Link to your forum discussion page


A simple description of the proposal’s end result and desired changes in a few bullet points or sentences.


Explain why this proposal is necessary or useful for the community in general. How is it adding value and what problem or opportunity does this proposal target?

Specifications / Proposal Details

Detail description of your proposal, including all relevant information.

Scope of Work

Explain in detail the action items, probable timelines, and final goals if the proposal get approved.


Intended timeline for completing the implementation.


Optional section if drawbacks should be identified.

Budget and Financials

This part is only for projects that request funding. How much funding are you requesting from the DAO, and how are you going to use the budget. This should be as detailed as possible.


The current voting mechanism within the DAO allows for 1 BETA token to equal 1 vote. The standard voting format is single-choice voting. If your proposal necessitates alternative voting methodologies such as approval voting, quadratic voting, etc., please indicate this requirement. For a comprehensive overview of each voting method, you are encouraged to review the Snapshot documentation. Ensure to specify the voting options relevant to your proposal in this section.

Example: Employ single-choice voting featuring the options: "Yes," "No," and "Abstain."